The Miser
by Moliere
Date/s: 31sy May, 1st June 2002
What happens when a group of Inner City townsfolk try to squirm and wiggle away from the clutches of miserly moneylender Kanjhelingam? Kanjhelingam courts a young woman whom his son loves; and he betroths his daughter to an old man who does not require dowry. Add to this scenario a shady broker, a shrewd matchmaker and a chubby bemused cook; and we have the making of a classic satire.
Director: Himanshu Bhatt
Murali Ram.......Kanjhelingam ( Father of Nanda & Shobana)
M. Kalidas.......Nanda ( Kanjhelingam’s son)
Shamila Annie Ariffin.......Shobana ( Kanjhelingam’s daughter)
Adrian J. Chang.......Gim Leng Kew ( Tauke Cheng Po’s son)
Carmel Emily Wright.......Ting Lok Hai ( Tauke Cheng Po’s daughter)
Goon Cheng Huat.......Tauke Cheng Po ( Father of Ting Kok Hai & Gim Leng Kew)
Shamala Subashini Palaniappan.......Juma Bee ( A woman of intrigue)
Philip Yeoh Thye Chai.......Mustafa ( A Broker)
Choon Chi- Ren.......Salim (Kanjhelingam’s cook & coachman)
May Lim.......Amah Che (Nanda’s Amah)
Damian Tan.......Ah Peng ( Kanjhelingam’s servant)
Himanshu Bhatt.......Guridial Singh ( Kanjhelinham’s servant)
Ong Eng Kong.......Officer
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