The Mousetrap
by Agatha Christie
Date/s: 16th, 17th June 1995
The Story takes place at a guest house owed by a charming couple the Ralston. As the guests settle down, a detective sergeant from the local police arrives and informs them that one of them could be the next victim of the Culver Street Murderer whose signature tune is “Three Blind Mice”.
Director: Mano Balachandran
Leong Yim Fong.......Mollie Ralston
John Cadman.......Giles Ralston
Gavin Yap.......Christopher Wren
Mary Payne.......Mrs Boyle
Patrick Barnham.......Major Metcalf
Mary Schneider–Ong.......Miss Casewell
Ian Kerr.......Mr Paravicini
Matthew Lynch.......Sergeant Trotter