Three Days of Rain

by Richard Greenberg

Date/s: 27 & 28th October 2017


To celebrate their 25th anniversary, Penang Players Music & Drama Society presented Richard Greenberg's Three Days of Rain.

Spanning two generations, Three Days of Rain is a heart-warmnig, and sometimes tragically funny, examination on family connections and the inherent loneliness of being human. It is unexpectedly Greenberg's romantic family story in the guise of a love story.

A year after he disappeared on the day of his father's funeral, Walker Janeway returns to New York. He takes up temporary residence in the unused space where thirty-five years earlier, his father, Ned, and Ned's late partner, Theo, lived and designed the great house that would make them famous. Sleepless and emotionally jangled, Walker scours the old empty space for clues to a tortured family history. Discovering his father's journal hidden under the bed, he finds it as forthcoming as his nearly silent father had been. Walker is joined by his sister, Nan, and their friend from childhood, Pip, Theo's son, to hear the reading of Ned's will. It is there that Walker forces the confrontation that the others need.

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