Memes: A Love Story
Date/s: 28th, 29th, 30th June 2019
A group of friends find themselves in circumstances that lead them to pair off two of their acquantances. We discover that there are forces that are interested in the potential that exists between these two. The meme-masters are at work.
Link [Opens in new window/tab]: Jayaram GK Menon, Playwright & Director, interviewed on Traxxfm - 5th August 2019
Jay Menon
Luvenia Kalia (Studio Pentas)
Dance Director
Aida Redza (studio Pentas)
Music Director
Jerome Quah
Alex Ward, Xin Er, Sebastien Romero, Rachel Yeoh, Ivan Gabriel, Hasina, Roshini Chandran, Lawrence Chin, Sharmen Glenn, Ida Suhaini, Jay Menon, Lucille Dass, Esther Kuan, Audrey Kholti.
Adli Nasrul, Andre Cremnitz, Julio Geronimo, Philip Yeoh, Roshini Chandran, Monica Mohan, Kamal Chopra.
RJ Franklin, Khoo Jen Leon, Anastasia Usik, Neoh Kahi Juin, Chee Jo Anne, Joy Ong, Charmrath Aroonratana, Gary Eng, Esther Khoo, Michelle Cheah, Jordan Sivapatham, Pawan Jaiswal, Kenji Ooi.
GQ, Lim Yuin Shing, Eugene Ong, Lee Jia Wen, Lyana Cremnitz.
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