Baby with the Bathwater
by Christopher Durang
Date/s: 20th, 21st, 22nd June 2013
An evening with John, Helen and their son or daughter Daisy, a family that puts the ‘fun’ back in ‘dysfunctional’. Along with a psychotic nanny, dominatrix principal and a cast of borderline insane characters, join Daisy as he/she tries the impossible to become a normal, well adjusted human being.
Director: Choong Chi-Ren
Shamala S. Palaniappan.......Helen
Adrian J Chang.......John
Mary Schneider.......Nanny
Rebecca Boey.......Cynthia
Chris Nordmann.......Daisy
Lucille Dass.......Kate
Regina Goh.......Mrs Willoughby
Carmei Emil.......Angela
Murali Ram.......Doctor
May Lim Beng Suan.......Miss Pringle
Lisette Latsch.......Susan
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