All In The Timing
by David Ives
Date/s: 13th, 14th January 2006
Sure Thing
Two people meet in a café and find their way through a conversational minefield as an off-stage bell interrupts their false starts, gaffes, and faux pas, Allowing them unlimited “re-dos” until the ‘perfect” pattern for falling love is found.
Words Words Words
Recalls the philosophical adage that three monkeys typing into infinity will sooner or later produce Hamlet and asks: what would monkeys talk about at their typewriters?
Variation on the Death of Trotsky
Shows us the Russian revolutionary on the day of his demise, desperately trying to cope with the mountain-climber’s axe he’s discovered in this head
Sure Thing
Director: Alan Smith
Adeline Ong.......Betty
Words Words Words
Director: Alan Smith
Chong Chi-Ren.......Swift
Lucille Dass.......Kafka
Variation on the Death of Trotsky
Director: Alan Smith
Philip Yeoh.......Trotsky
May Lin.......Mrs Trotsky
Oh Chin Eng.......Ramon
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